Intelligent Forensic Escrow Management


It is now easier with RFID technology to record the criminal goods that come to the forensic custodian office, to count them in the warehouses, to ensure their security and to carry out their forensic procedures.


  • Escrow Registration Module
  • Checkout / Return Module
  • Count Module
  • Search Module
  • Outlaw Registration Module
  • Reporting Module
  • Demand Module


  • It will facilitate counting by recording all relics.
  • Human-induced errors will be minimized, and their prevention and identification will be easier.
  • The escrow database, which can be quickly updated, will provide easier access to accurate and consistent information..
  • The time to reach a material that needs to be found will be shortened.
  • Continuous updating of escrow transaction types information will prevent human errors and procedural loss and confusion regarding embezzlement.
  • Daily, monthly and annual reports that your institution needs can be obtained very quickly and with high accuracy rates.
  • With UHF RFID, the smart escrow tracking system will create a database detailed enough to carry the information of which escrow is left on what date, when, where and for how long. This database will provide convenience in the control of work flow processes, and will reveal information that has not been followed up until now, with detailed reports to be created.

Tomorrow’s Standards in Courthouses Have Been Set Today!

Mobile Solution

You can instantly transfer all your counting transactions to your center via the mobile handheld terminal.

System Integration

If you need integration with another software, we can work with your other software provider and perform a custom work for you.

Flexible Report System

Thanks to the e-mail module in the system, you can automatically send your reports regarding your fixtures on a one-time, weekly, monthly or annual basis to the relevant managers via e-mail.