We Eliminate Weighing Errors with RFID!


We prevent the scale operator from making manual errors and make your scales smart.



Automatic weighing, identification, tracking and administrative reporting of all carrier trucks (excavation vehicles, garbage trucks, etc.) within the scope of automation can be provided. Thanks to the RFID TAGs that will be affixed to the glass of all load vehicles, the automatic identification process will become 100% consistent, eliminating operator dependency.

In the vehicle measurement industry, this is one of the fastest growing sectors. Automation systems provide businesses with a great opportunity to reduce labor costs and increase productivity. By reducing the intervention of office staff in the weighing process, they are freed up to focus on other responsibilities and office activities.


It ensures that sales can be made without interruption during counting.

Inactivating unused material types.

In addition to material and rate table categories, other categories are available to maximize reporting features (location information, etc.)

Stability settings to ensure consistency during weighing.

Transporter information and report generation.

How does the RFID SMART LATCH SYSTEM work?

  • RFID Tags: The first step is to place RFID tags on the objects to be measured (products, packaging, etc.). These tags store the identity of the object and other relevant data. Each tag has a unique identification number.
  • RFID Readers and Antennas: RFID readers are used to read and process the data stored in tags through antennas.
  • Data Processing and Visualization: The reader processes the data from the tags and outputs measurement results. This data is usually saved in a database and can be accessed as needed.

Advantages of the System

100% Automatic

It is a fast system that completely eliminates operator dependency.

Central Government

All transactions performed at multiple locations can be monitored instantly from a single center.

Precise and Fast Weighing

It can measure the weight of objects precisely and quickly.

Time Saving

Time is saved through automated measurement and data collection processes instead of manual measurement and data entry.

Accurate and Easy

Improved customer service through multi-option reporting and readable receipts.

Areas of Use

RFID Smart Scale system is generally used in all areas where RFID technology is used. It can be used in Logistics and Transportation, Energy and Resource Management, Mining and Earthmoving, Food, Retail, Construction Materials, Import and Export and Warehouse.





Intelli Count RFID



RFID forensic escrow system, It is now easier to record the criminal items coming to the forensic escrow office, to count them in the warehouses, to ensure their security and to carry out forensic procedures with RFID technology.

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RFID Applications in Automated Weighing Systems

RFID Applications in Automated Weighing Systems

Automated weighing systems are increasingly being used to increase efficiency and reduce the margin of error in industrial processes. One technology that increases the efficiency and accuracy of these systems is Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology. In this article, we will examine RFID applications in automated weighing systems and the advantages this technology offers.


Introduction to RFID Technology


RFID technology uses electromagnetic fields to automatically identify and track tags attached to objects. These tags contain electronically stored information that can be read by RFID readers without direct line-of-sight, making the technology versatile and effective in a variety of environments.


1. How RFID Enhances Automated Weighing Systems


Improved Accuracy and Efficiency

RFID technology significantly improves the accuracy of automated weighing systems by eliminating manual input errors and enabling precise data collection. This enables more reliable weight measurements and increases overall operational efficiency by reducing the need for manual intervention.

Real-Time Data Collection

With RFID, data is collected in real time as products pass through the weighing system. This instant data capture allows for immediate processing and analysis, enabling faster decision making and timely response to any discrepancies or issues.


2. Applications in Logistics and Supply Chain Management


Inventory management

In logistics and supply chain management, RFID-integrated weighing systems facilitate efficient inventory tracking. As goods pass through various stages, their weight is automatically recorded and updated in the inventory management system, ensuring accurate stock levels and reducing the risk of overstocking or stock-outs.

Transportation and Shipping

RFID applications in transportation and shipping include automated weighing systems that verify the weight of packages and containers before they are loaded onto transport vehicles. This ensures compliance with weight regulations and optimizes load distribution, improving safety and fuel efficiency.


3. Applications in Manufacturing and Production


Quality control

In manufacturing, RFID-enabled weighing systems play a crucial role in quality control. By continuously monitoring the weight of raw materials and finished products, manufacturers can ensure that each product meets the set weight criteria, reducing the possibility of defects and maintaining high quality standards.

Automatic Sorting and Packing

RFID technology enhances automated sorting and packaging processes by linking weight data with product information. This enables precise sorting by weight and ensures accurate packaging, which is particularly important in industries such as pharmaceutical and food production where precision is critical.


4. Practices in Agriculture and Livestock Management


Crop Yield Measurement

RFID-equipped weighing systems are used in agriculture to accurately measure crop yields. As harvested crops are weighed, data is automatically recorded, helping farmers monitor productivity and make informed decisions on crop management and resource allocation.

Animal Weighing

RFID technology is also used in livestock management to monitor the weight of animals. By attaching RFID tags to livestock, farmers can help effectively monitor animal growth and health by automatically recording weight data during feeding or health checks.


5. Benefits of RFID in Automated Weighing Systems


Enhanced Traceability and Transparency

RFID provides enhanced traceability by linking weight data to specific RFID tags that can contain detailed information about the product or item. This transparency is beneficial for quality assurance, regulatory compliance and customer satisfaction.

Cost Savings and Increased Efficiency

The automation and accuracy brought by RFID technology delivers significant cost savings by reducing labor costs, minimizing errors and streamlining operations. Increased productivity results from faster processing times and reduced downtime.


otomatik tartim sistemlerinde rfid uygulamaları


6. Challenges and Considerations


Integration and Implementation Costs

Despite its advantages, integrating RFID into existing systems can be costly. The initial investment in RFID infrastructure, including tags, readers and software, as well as potential changes to existing processes should be carefully considered.

Data Security and Privacy

With the increasing use of RFID technology, data security and privacy have become critical concerns. Ensuring RFID systems are protected against unauthorized access and data breaches is essential to safeguard sensitive information and maintain trust.


7. RFID and Future Trends in Automated Weighing Systems


Developments in RFID Technology

Continued advances in RFID technology, such as increased read ranges, enhanced data storage capabilities and improved durability of tags, will further expand the applications and effectiveness of RFID in automated weighing systems.

Integration with IoT and Artificial Intelligence

The integration of RFID with the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises to bring even greater innovation. IoT connectivity enables seamless data sharing between systems, while AI can optimize operations and decision-making by delivering advanced analytics and predictive insights.



RFID applications in automated weighing systems are transforming industries by providing accurate, real-time data, increasing efficiency and enabling traceability. As technology continues to evolve, the potential for RFID in weighing systems will grow, providing new opportunities for innovation and improvement across a variety of industries.

Forklift Tracking and Warning System

Forklift Tracking and Warning System

Given the prevalence of forklifts and their important role in material handling, it is crucial to ensure their safe operation. Forklift tracking and warning system have emerged as indispensable tools to improve safety and reduce potential risks. Let’s explore the importance of these systems and their impact on warehouse operations.

Forklift Tracking System

It utilizes advanced technologies such as RFID and GPS to track the movement and location of forklifts in warehouse facilities. By equipping forklifts with tracking devices, supervisors gain real-time visibility into their operations. This facilitates better management and control.

Increasing Operational Efficiency

One of the main benefits of forklift tracking system is the optimization of operational efficiency. With accurate tracking data, warehouse managers can identify inefficiencies in forklift routes. In addition, they monitor vehicle utilization and streamline workflow processes. This proactive approach allows organizations to make informed decisions to increase productivity and minimize downtime.

Forklift Tracking and Warning System

Increasing Safety with Warning Systems

They play an important role in preventing accidents and ensuring the safety of both operators and pedestrians. These systems include sensors and alarms to detect potential hazards, such as obstacles or pedestrian crossings, and alert forklift operators accordingly. They also provide timely warnings, reducing the risk of collisions and injuries. This creates a safer working environment.


Reducing Risk and Liability

Implementing forklift tracking and warning systems not only protects personnel and assets. It also helps to reduce the risk of accidents and associated liabilities. Organizations proactively monitor forklift operations. This reduces the likelihood of costly incidents and legal consequences by enforcing safety protocols and demonstrating their commitment to workplace safety.

Forklift Tracking and Warning System

Compliance with Regulatory Standards

Forklift tracking and warning system not only improves safety, but also helps to comply with regulatory standards and industry guidelines. Warehouses adhere to established safety protocols and benefit from technology-driven solutions. They ensure compliance with OSHA regulations and other relevant mandates, protect their reputation and avoid fines.


As a result, forklift tracking and warning system are integral components of modern warehouse safety strategies. By harnessing the power of technology to monitor forklift operations, identify potential risks and provide timely alerts, organizations improve safety, increase operational efficiency and reduce liability. Investing in these systems not only protects personnel and assets. It also contributes to a culture of safety and compliance in the workplace.

Forklift Collision Monitoring and Prevention Systems

Forklift Collision Monitoring and Prevention Systems

A forklift collision avoidance system is an important technological solution to improve safety in the workplace. In a busy factory environment, forklifts are essential pieces of equipment to help streamline operations and increase productivity. However, they also pose a great risk to workers due to their accidental use, caused by collisions with other vehicles or applications in their meals. Therefore, it is very important that they invest in technologies that will help them retain these risks and protect their employees.

One of these technologies is the IoT-based forklift collision avoidance system. This advanced safety solution utilizes RFID Readers and sensors mounted on your existing forklift fleet, combined with cloud computing (or software installed on-site) capabilities to monitor the movement of your facility in real time. The forklift collision avoidance system then sends alerts after a period of time across two or more vehicles, providing enough time for operators to take corrective action before any damage occurs.

The lifetime benefits of a Forklift collision avoidance system go beyond avoiding repairs in transit from collisions; this technology also helps to optimize central offices by conserving waiting times between cells and providing surveillance visibility to operations at multiple sites – all while keeping homes out of harm’s way! Furthermore, since the system is built on IoT technologies such as Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) beacons and Wi-Fi networks instead of traditional GPS tracking systems, you don’t have to worry about additional costs associated with installation or maintenance, making it a smart investment option for any business that previously thought of having the capabilities of its employees!



IoT technology and active RFID technologies can revolutionize the way forklifts work in factories in crash avoidance situations. Using active RFID tags on forklifts and other guards, sensors continuously monitor their movement and position. This link is then transmitted to a central system where the body of each tagged item can be tracked in real time.

With these components, the system detects possible collisions between forklifts and other or pedestrians. In addition, the system automatically applies brakes or reduces speed to avoid a collision.

The benefits of using the IoT concept in a forklift collision avoidance system are many. By providing real-time monitoring, the system helps to optimize traffic management and manage congestion in the factory. This increases overall efficiency. It also helps to show where bottlenecks occur or the need for additional resources.

Furthermore, the system provides valuable values for analyzing and optimizing the operations of the units. This information is used to identify patterns in forklift usage, monitor maintenance needs, and help improve overall safety protocols and training.

In conclusion, integrating IoT technology and active RFID technologies into a forklift collision avoidance system can provide numerous benefits for factories. By improving safety, efficiency and data collection, this technology can help companies better manage their operations and ultimately increase their profitability.