RFID technology, which is used in almost every field, is used in RFID library automation. The biggest reason for using this automation is some problems that occur in libraries. One of these problems is the disappearance of books. In addition, not being able to access the necessary information in libraries in a timely manner, not being able to check member information in a healthy way, and taking time to count books are among the examples to be given.

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) is a technology that enables the tracking of readers and all kinds of materials belonging to the library and establishing a connection between the reader and the materials through radio waves. In 2000, as RFID grew in popularity, countries around the world began to integrate RFID technology into their library systems. Today, RFID library automation is widely used in libraries around the world.

Thanks to RFID library automation:

  • You can monitor books in the library.
  • You can quickly find the books you are looking for.
  • It becomes possible for readers to deliver and pick up books independently.
  • The work of librarians becomes easier.
  • It allows to eliminate errors in the process of accepting and publishing books.

It also prevents unauthorized attempts to take books from the library and acts as a theft deterrent.

Kütüphane Otomasyonu



One of the most important savings is time savings. This is due to the fact that information can be read from RFID tags much faster than barcodes and several items in a stack can be read at the same time. Thus, RFID library automation saves time.


RFID tags used in libraries contain no personal information. They only program item IDs and information about the library on each tag. So user privacy cannot be compromised. If material that is not properly controlled passes through the exit sensors, an alarm is triggered instantly. This maximizes material security.


A unique advantage of RFID systems is that they can scan books on shelves without tipping or removing them. A hand-held inventory reader can be quickly moved across a bookshelf to read all unique identification information. Using wireless technology, it is possible not only to update inventory, but also to identify non-conforming items.


RFID tags last longer than barcodes. Because nothing comes into contact with them. Most RFID vendors say that a tag lasts at least up to 100,000 transactions before it needs to be replaced.


When librarians spend less time on routine physical tasks, they can pay more attention to human connections and customer experience. This has a very positive impact on both customers and staff.